📦 FREE express shipping from 149 € – ✅ new offers

📦 FREE express shipping from 149 €
✅ new offers

Around the World Tasting – Gift Voucher

✓ Give away more than just taste
✓ Best meat from the USA, Canada and Scotland
✓ Taste the difference
✓ PDF voucher for printing or by email

ab 49,00 

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Give away more than just taste with the voucher for an Around the World tasting at the Meat Club in Stuttgart ...

Can you taste the difference in meat from the US, Canada or Scotland?

  • Iberico Presa, Spain
  • Wild buffalo fillet, Italy
  • Dry Aged Aberdeen Angus Roast Beef, Scotland
  • Picanha, USA
  • Hereford fillet, Argentina
  • F1 Wagyu (50% Black Angus / 50% Wagyu) roast beef, Australia


Order information:

After your order you will receive an email with the order confirmation - ATTENTION: In this email you will find the link with your payment request, only then will the amount due be debited and your purchase is complete.

You can only exchange this voucher for the value of the goods and not for cash. It is valid for 3 years and can be redeemed both in The Meat Club - Online Store and directly in the store. If you have received 2 vouchers for free, you can redeem one for each order.

The Meat Club - More than Taste

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